Website Update

I promise I’ll write an opinion post (or two!) within the next week, but right now I have an update on the website I spoke about earlier. It’s here! I’ve finished the basic structure of the site and am now working on content.

Here’s where I need your help– a big portion of the website is dedicated for guides about everything from choosing a name to being a trans ally. I don’t have experience with all of these things and nor am I up for writing a ton of guides. I’m looking for people to submit guides related to trans issues. How you write and what you write about is completely up to you, so leave a comment if you’d like to contribute.

Also, part of the site is a multi-author blog and I’m looking for some contributors who can write once a week or so. I want transmasculine people of all identities, partners, friends, and families, so if you or anyone you know fits the bill and would like to blog let me know.

5 Responses to “Website Update”

  1. genderkid Says:

    Wow — the site is looking great already! It doesn’t seem like the other FtM guides already around the internet; it appears warmer and more validating of non-traditionally-gendered guys. I hope I can provide something of value to publish over there.

  2. trannyboi22 Says:

    The site is coming along nicely. I might be able to write up a few things (note, i’m not saying they’ll be any good, but hey) that might help. Keep it up: I would’ve killed for something like this when I was first looking.

  3. Keegan Says:

    Thanks a lot! I’ve been slacking on updating both of these sites, but I’ll get to it this weekend. If you’ve got anything to contribute, I’d love it. Trannyboi22, I’m sure it would be great.

  4. genderkid Says:

    I’ve been writing an article on how to get your friends to switch pronouns. If you think it might be good for the site, write me at genderkid (at) hotmail (dot) com and I’ll send it along.

  5. don’t know if i could commit to posting regularly, but i’d love to contribute something.

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